The First 'CONTENT COMMUNICATION' BIO...enjoy...Born in the SOUTH BRONX...NYC...
Honor Graduate S.U.N.Y Purchase B.F.A Theater/Film...
Alumni Member of the TONY AWARD HONOREE THE ACTING COMPANY ...of Juilliard...
...and the Birth of my BRAND name SIRTONY...Circa 2003
worked with Meryl Streep in NYC Shakespeare Festival
Production of HENRY V..
Guest starred on DALLAS...and many other popular TV shows...STARRED IN many TV PILOTS...and many Commercials...and is the WINNER OF THE ANN MARY KELLY FOUNDATION GRANT for BEST ACTOR AWARD ...in the West Coast World Primeire of Tennesse Williams play 'Vieuxx Carre' at the BEVERLY HILLS PLAYHOUSE...
as well as Winner of 15 Best Film Awards...when Michael created the Pioneer project THE TOTAL WORKSHOP FOR ACTING...that was the foundation for his Award Winning Film company and a creative experience that developed his writing skills for all the original films he created with his students that are now on the Internet...to be shared with the world... http://www.TheTotalWorkshopForActing.com no teacher in the History of the World ever produced...wrote...directed and shot films with their students and created demo reels to help them get work... http://www.3DayDemo.com
his Pioneer work is well documented and can be easily seen on the Internet... just go to his Brand name 'SIRTONY' having shared a TONY Award With the Acting Company in 2003. He has accepted the 'nick' name his students gave him when they were told of the prestigious honor..from THE TOTAL WORKSHOP FOR ACTING...that is the foundation of the start of his Award Winning Filmmaker...WORK...
Pioneer Work...for the music Industry...
Michael Aka Sirtony is also a composer ...singer song writer...Here is a special
Gift he created for UNICEF... CHILDREN OF THE WORLD
HISTORIC music video of Michael Savage Aka Sirtony and his song
Michael's fisrt AWARD WINNING FILM.... A STORY OF HOPE ...a Must see...
Hit & Run... was created one night at the Theater when 2 students came in and
shared they were in a Car accident and were almost killed..Michael created a film
that night...shot in 3 hours and edited over 400 hours ...it went to the PALM SPRINGS FILM FESTIVAL ...and the Actors were stunned how he made it happen...here is
the Historic short Film...Enjoy...
Michael Aka Sirtony not only has Awards as a ACTOR...writer...and Fimmaker...but also spent some time as a HISTORIC AWARD WINNING FURNITURE DESIGNER here is a special short of that historic time and his WORK...he also created over 235 jobs!!!
and now President of Sirtony Films Inc.
and now the 'Magazine Books' are designed to share his knowledge and insight and wisdom in many areas of Survival...so take the Journey and may your life never be same ...as you become inspired by his Words...and his Work...he encourages you to experience...!!!
Coming Soon!!!
Coming Soon!!!