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Businessman and Personal Development industry leader Steve Jennings survived an early life of deep poverty and then a horrific accident in his mid-twenties where he suffered severe spinal cord damage and was left for dead on the side of the road in a river of his own blood, but went on to walk again, and become a successful businessman, speaker, author and champion athlete.
Steve wrote a powerful book called “Your Invincible Warrior Within – the Power of Never Giving Up.” Within it, he writes in very direct style about his challenging upbringing eating out of trash cans to survive, which he jokingly calls “TC Cuisine”, his horrific car crash, and his long journey of recovery that led him to work with others to inspire and lead them to overcome their challenges. He’s learned very much in the last few decades from the thousands he has worked with, and he shares a tough love approach in providing this to others.
“Very little is guaranteed in life,” he says. ‘You’ve got to make your life – and you do that by fighting for your dreams – driving forward through the awesome power of never giving up.”


Special note:  I had heard about this man named Steve Jennings who had powerfully overcome some incredible odds to make an amazing life out of what seemed like the smallest of chances.


After finally getting into contact with him and meeting him personally, I felt strongly that his incredible example of making the most from the least needed to be shared with the world – so that as many people as possible could see that no matter how down, dejected or defeated that things seemed for them -- that they, too, could overcome the odds and make a great life out of what may appear to be the most hopeless situation.


Steve Jennings’ example is one of profound inspiration – but mostly – it’s one that shows the awesome power in never giving up and fighting for your dreams.  


Whatever your circumstance in life, no matter how lost, confused, frustrated or painful your life may be, I hope that by viewing this short video your life will gain “new life” and you will see and believe how great your life can be – if you never give up – and fight for your dreams.


Award Winning Filmmaker

-- Sirtony --   

 RIVER OF LIFE short films by Sirtony​ Winner of  

from THE RIVER OF LIFE Series by Sirtony​

A Son shares his Love for his Mother...

​A MAN from EL SALVADOR shares his Historic Journey from a WAR torn Childhood..

ichael Savage Aka Sirtony

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